Inbound recruiting

Employer branding from a recruitment perspective.

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What is inbound recruiting?

Inbound recruiting is an ongoing strategic effort to attract the right candidates. This means that you as a company, in several stages and using a variety of methods, can target your specific audience with messages about you as an employer.

Instead of chasing candidates, the aim is to create such a positive image of working life at your company that the candidates themselves can see the benefits and want to work for you. By actively reaching out to your specific target group, you can build a strong relationship and are top-of-mind for those thinking about changing jobs.

Finding, attracting, and engaging the right candidates

In order to develop content that interests the candidates you want to reach, we can help you determine who exactly is in your target group. When that is in place, we carry out a thorough target group analysis to find out where and how we can best reach them. Preparation is the key to successful inbound recruiting. If you don’t know how to reach your target group, it’s easy to go about things the wrong way.

Once the preparatory work has been done, we’ll help you to select materials and reach out to your target group in the best possible way. Structure and administration are also required to take the right actions and follow up on what is required for the desired outcome. We’ll help you with that too!

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